Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Weight a minute...that can't be right!

Getting on the scales and tracking my weight is nothing new for me during pregnancy... or at any other time!  It has long held a place in my life, right back into my teenage years and has provided many moments of success and achievement and many, many more of shock, shame and frustration.

This third pregnancy has gone a little differently weight wise as I have touched on briefly in some of my other posts.  I told myself that if I blogged publicly, I would tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so I am going to put my actual weights out there, into the big (hopefully not too cruel or judgemental) online world.

So here is how it all 'weighs' up in comparison with the first 2 pregnancies.  With my 1st preg, I fell pregnant weighing in at 79kgs, which is a good weight for me.  I had lost some weight before I got married and at my lowest was 77kgs, so at 79kgs I was happy.  On the day I gave birth to H, I weighed 99kgs, so an overall gain of 20kgs.  I was told that for a first pregnancy this was pretty standard and to be fair I was happy with this as I was dreading hitting the hundy mark!

As every mother knows, losing the baby weight is a whole different story and I had my struggles to get back down to size.  In fact, I followed many others in the pattern of retaining the last 5kgs of baby weight.  Meaning that I lost about 15kgs out of the 20 I gained, and settled mainly at the 84kg mark.

This was what I weighed when falling preg with B, baby num 2.  Yet again I had a slow but steady climb in my pregnancy weight gain, tracking almost identically to the first preg.  In fact, yet again, 2 days before I gave birth when I jumped on the dreaded scales I was sitting at 99kgs, again!  I crossed my fingers that I would pop in the next few days so as to avoid hitting the hundy the following week if I was still pregnant.  I had - and still have this mental goal (obsession) of not going over 99kgs. So even though I hit the same total of 99kgs with the 2nd preg, I only gained 15kgs in total, 5kgs less than preg 1, because I started 5kgs heavier.  Clear as mud?

Losing the baby weight second time around took much longer and was much harder.  In fact, it wasn't until early 2012, when B was nearly 2 years old,  that I really got stuck into it, after getting angry at myself for a very good Xmas of over-indulging!  I worked hard throughout the year and by August I had reached my goal weight of around 79-80kgs, FINALLY back down to my pre-1st baby weight!

As much as we were thrilled to find out I was pregnant around Oct, there was a small part of me that was gutted to be back on the 'weight gain train' - again!  What really shocked and confused me was the speed of the weight gain early in this pregnancy,  Unlike the previous 2, where my weight slowly and steadily crept up, with almost no gain in the first trimester, this time by the first midwives visit at 8-9 weeks, I had gone from 80-86kgs!!!!! This rapid growth was one of the reasons I was booked in for an early scan.  Turns out there was no obvious reason for this and baby seems to be of normal size and healthy.  My suspicions are that it might be because of my weight loss prior to falling pregnant.  My body had become accustomed to me dieting, exercising and losing weight, so when I fell pregnant, it went out of its way to do the opposite, doing it's best to keep it on!
The growing bump, 24wks

It has, thank god, slowed down.  Weight tracking so far has gone as follows:
Pre-preg - 80kgs
8/9 weeks - 86kgs
20 weeks - 90kgs
24 weeks - 91.7kgs
27 weeks - 93.7 kgs  :(

Anyone out there guess where this is heading?  The hundy mark is looming ever closer on the not so distant horizon, like a lurking black hole desperate to suck me in.  I once again, am obsessed with avoiding it at all costs but am not sure if it is possible, I was never great at maths but with still 13 weeks to go and with the weight gain so far - where does it leave me?

Obviously every pregnancy is different and so far this one has certainly lived up to that, but we all know most pregnancy weight gain happens in the last month or 2 and I cant see how I can avoid that reality. I know gaining weight is normal and expected during pregnancy and I am not looking for ways to stop weight gain or even lose some weight, I just want to know what I can do to slow it down and keep it to a healthy level.

Help - any advice?

1 comment:

  1. You're looking acca-mazing Tam don't worry about the weight, when you've got a beautiful healthy bubba in your arms the weight won't matter... (for those two seconds lol) I went well over the hundy with both of mine, like you I managed to lose around 15kgs quite fast with some serious breastfeeding - which for me was easier after number two.. now the hard work is still continuing..
    My tip, peppermint tea instead of a snack/coffee/milo (not sure while you're hapu though?)
    Loving the blogs and so special for your babies :)
    Arohanui xo
