Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The highs and lows of the ultrasound

Ah the exciting/dreaded baby scan. I have had my fair share of ultrasounds and I can say quite honestly that it can be the most moving and exciting experience...or anything but!

The mix of emotions I would bet most women feel, is something you can't control nor prepare for. The first time I got pregnant my husband and I went along for our first scan at 12 weeks, full of excitement and hope, keen to see our wee bean for the first time, only to find that it was not to be and although I had not suffered any symptoms, I had lost the baby and would then go on to have a D&C at the hospital. It was awful, enough said.

9 week scan - thankfully just the 1 little bean!
You can see though, how the knowledge of an upcoming visit for a baby scan could then go on to strike nervousness and apprehension into my heart, followed closely by positive thoughts as I refused to give into the fear. The risk of miscarriage is not the only thing that can cause those feelings though as I found out with this pregnancy! I was shocked to notice that by 6 or so weeks, I had developed what I considered to be a quite noticeable bump! I knew I wasn't imagining things as my clothes didn't fit and others were even 'kind' enough to comment on how early I was showing. I became quite paranoid about it and immediately raised it with my midwife during our first vist at 8 weeks. She also asked me to jump on the scales where I was appalled to find I had gained 5kg!!!! Yes - that's right, and yes I was only 8 weeks. She suggested an early scan as there was a chance I could be carrying twins, which is common through our family. I can assure you that had I been having twins I would have loved them with all my heart, but I am not ashamed to say that the feelings I had going into that first scan was similar to all the rest - but now doubled! I was nervous firstly about seeing if my baby was healthy and developing ok, then I was really nervous about there being more than 1 in there. The sigh of relief when she scanned my protruding belly to find just ONE healthy little bean was strong enough to knock over a full grown man!

13 week scan
19 week scan, side profile and feet
Thankfully, all 3 of my scans for this pregnancy, at 9, 13 and 19 weeks have gone smoothly and our baby seems to be developing beautifully. I even put aside all my fears and nerves for the last scan at 19 weeks because I figured it could quite possibly be my last baby scan ever and I just want to expect the best and enjoy it. Which I did and it was just as amazing this time as with every other scan I have had for my 3 healthy pregnancies. They only downside is that I wanted to know the sex and this was my only chance to find out but bubba wouldn't play the game. It was sitting with it's knees up to it's chest and it's hands resting squarely over it's goods, so nothing to see there! I have resigned myself to the fact the I will have to wait a few months to find out what flavour it is, but I am happy enough knowing that at least I have a healthy, albeit somewhat modest little baby, brewing nicely, ready to come and meet it's Mumma sometime this June!